54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

can someone tell me how passing out is a good trait for natural selection

there’s also hand holding
it’s not just action, it’s adult romance

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if you pass out how do you eat or get water

omegalul emelia


damn ok squid i see u

and it looks like u see me too

jake’s going in for the double kill i can smell it

im prolly getting stabbed



well i wasn’t wrong

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also why is it that italy suffers from 3 major death styles no matter where he goes
“crushed by boulder”
and “fucking drowning”


Was Marshal the trap? /s

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marshal is a mod (in the war room)

thus he is gay

I dont think not passing out is a choice

have you ever passed out

And here we go againimage

I havent

fuck that

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okay then

The best way to kill marshalimage