54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Htm fast do it before they patch it

Nah I’m not risking it soz

Unless a mod says I can host a Turbo FoL I will host it until then I’m not hosting it

Wait idea… I will just do a reskin ez win

Turbo FoL would probably fall under SFoL as it is despite being turbo as is (or maybe even be off limits altogether?)
I believe Marl had some ideas about it though so maybe that’ll change

What about Turbo FM?

Turbo FMs are currently fine to run whenever I’m pretty sure
Don’t believe we’ve restricted them and we most likely won’t unless it gets out of hand somehow

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Ashe I need help setting a project up

Okay so I know you are all busy with the queue stuff but how hard would it be to have a turbo game go off every day at the exact same time and people to vote on what game they want to play

I’d say it’s possible, but would people want to play a turbo game every day?

Because new people would be encouraged to join instead of waiting for games to end, plus they would be less scared of a quicker game.


How possible would it be for people to vote on setups for a certain day? And for it to go on every day.

It could work, you could just gather together all the setups you want and put a forum poll up on a central Turbo post, and have the main post editable so different hosts can put in that days info as you can and all
See who’s interested in playing turbos and work together to find out the best time for the most people to be able to play and so forth

Hmmm…okay Ima create a post about this

What topic should it be in

forum matches probably

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aaasshhhee dont spoil anything

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I wooon’t :^)
plus you could’ve just not said anything :^)

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Onwards to 10K

Don’t delete posts we won’t know when we are at 10000

I am trying to find out why I somehow deleted the message without using the mouse.