54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discbot roll 1d3

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 3


He was working out the chance that he would replace into a slot that would be dayvigged in SFoL34

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He is our official lighting rod.

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thinks about sfol 34 shitfest

I was calculating my grades

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@NuclearBurrito didnt you make an uncomfirmable social class? And where is it

So what exactly can we talk about in this thread?

Anything (especially Discobot) I guess as long as it follows the forum rules I think

anything so long as it doesn’t get toxic and shit, not that it has

@discobot fortune something something something hazy?

:crystal_ball: My reply is no


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Please tell me what did you see.

This isn’t discord :angry:

Dark theme on the forums looks shit ngl


“Hey man! You’re cool! Y’Know why? Because you’re using the Dark theme on Discord. Thanks for using that, have a great day!”


I use light on forums

I used dark on discord