54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Oh someone said no. Okay then will respect that sorry.

As long no one is going to insult each other, I don’t think it’s going to be a problem. /shrug

Religious discussions on the internet are boring and rarely achieve anything and in some cases turn sour

I don’t want to have to monitor every single post to make sure you’re remaining courteous

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Some sites have a no religion rule will just note that for this one thanks :slight_smile:


So my :popcorn: was useless rip

Speaking of which I can rlly go for popcorn Rn

In other words: pwaise Communism cuz it’s unofficial religion.

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However I will invite anyone who wishes to discuss this to my Discord :slight_smile:

Could you invite me?

I would like to see what happens ngl.

Indeed, I believe it’s our rule 15 for no political or religious discussion. All good to take it elsewhere but we don’t allow it here (probably because it usually turns into drama :stuck_out_tongue:)

When you watch Higurashi again


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eyo dm me that link on discord i’ll gladly join

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Invite me too!

Higurashi is great

I see you are a man of culture as well.


Because love is a choice, if God made us only being able to do good and only being able to love him and explicitly impossible for us to do anything else, it’s not authentic.

er, inv me too!

This is me but with Nichijou. 10/10 show right there :^)

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