54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

will protection be provided?

There’s already one going on in MU next week, so I’ll judge the two to see which is better :eyes:

I dont mean an FM squid.

Bring your own.

But, if someone does forget, there will be some provided.

Ohhhhh, okay derp

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/in to suck at whatever fighter I think looks cool in this game

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Like, With Online play and stuff, we can definetly set up a tournament. And, i hope the mods would be for it.

Thinking of sucking at (maining) Ridley since he looks like a heavyweight I can get behind

Same. I got some people to pick up and try in this game.

Big ones being Ridley, Wolf, and either King K. Rool or Incineroar


FK you’d better main inceneroar lmao


I feel like you would get a swtich and Smash ultimate, just to main Inceniroar lul

already have a switch

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dont even talk to me if you don’t main piranha plant


Dont worry, ill pick it up

i’m pre-ordering it for the Plant and no I’m not insane

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you don’t have to pre-order for the plant

but everyone needs the plant

I Pre-ordered 2 days ago. Im going to be in Australia for about a month, and im bringing my switch with me.

ngl Phiranna Plant actually looks like a fun as hell fighter and I don’t get why everybody screams about it
yeah we didn’t get some other guys but I think he looks great

unfortunately the pre-order deal currently isn’t avaliable for the UK

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