54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I think its me

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But you’re H, not L


I am his successor

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Instead of “aga_hjasik” or “hey_hjasik” I read your nick as “hja… hjasik!”
don’t ask me why

L is trying to discover Kira’s identity and needs your help!
All he needs is your credit card information, the three numbers on the back and the expiration month and year so he can achieve the epic case closed


I’m bored


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not pink

So I’ve been trying to make up a D&D table.
I got all players, nice, studied their sheets…
And then there is the 4th slot.
The CURSED 4th player slot who never fills in.
I’ve been waiting for two months.
Every time I call someone for the 4th slot…
They just come.
Then they make some basic shit on the sheet.
Then I press them.
Then I wait weeks,
Then i press them again.
And you repeat the formula until they say that they’ll not be playing anymore.

@Marluxion can I host the grand idea FoL since Marcus has died?

go back to army forum mafia and die already

No talking about ongoing games

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the raft is now mine.


then invite two more players :wink:


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Yep, a party of 4 and a GM.

Is it IRL or through Roll20?

Not Roll20 because its chat is so smol.
But yeah, online.

something something time and date

3 players have their sheets done already