54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why did it become long?


Why Life

I dunno you should ask life

Why should I ask Life

Actually you shouldn’t ask life.

Why shouldnt I ask life

Well you should ask life that question.

Why should I ask that question?

this reminds me of a Latin thing that we had to read that was a short story on how to kill death

Why kill death?

I want to annoy someone but no one is here :frowning:

@Nerbins why is your name nerbins. Don’t worry I won’t keep asking why.

Also @Emilia dare you to bomb here but put it in details so whoever opens it is to be blamed

Marl said he will ban me if I bomb again

I don’t know why.
I think it was just a stupid word that popped into my head.

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Put it in details

atomic or no

@Marluxion can I bomb in details?


I mean it’s ur fault if you open it :man_shrugging: