54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Dang it

been here since 100

Im just watching this shitshow unfold while drinking my tea


I checked here first, this thread is low priority

I mean

Of course

This was a reaction test meant to counter your test



Luxy got converted

don’t call someone a noob if your a noob

I am now part of Isaac’s faction

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follow your own advice

Wow take that back you hurt my feelings

no im the best forum of lies player here you guys are all noobs

Wtf am I reading

Btw luxy we are ignoring hjaisk for the rest of the day don’t respond to him, he will stop being annoying and apologize if we do this

Isaac i’d like to direct you to the part of the rules that say

TL;DR: Mods+ can ban you for any reason, so it’s better to just be civilized and keep it classy. Excessively arguing, showing signs of toxicity, or disrespecting a mod+, esp. publicly, is pretty much asking for a ban.

and I’d like to point out that your insistence that I am, as you say, a “noob”, could fall under public disrespect

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but hjasik

he isn’t a noob

y’know, just so you’re aware

Looks like im going to need alcohol instead of tea if it continues like this.

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