54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Guys! I did it! I DEFEATED INNER AGENT THREE!!! Screenshot coming soon!


Told ya.

My Switch somehow recorded the moment of triumph, so I thought it would be better to post the video instead

How hard was it

Absolutely difficult, the entire battle was in five phases and if you die in one of them, you have to start all over again. Inner Agent Three is very aggressive which makes things even harder. It took me at least a few months on and off to finally beat the entire Octo Expansion levels including that battle

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And what did I told you? :clap:
Nothing is impossible in this world.


Except what’s impossible

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cries super super super super super super super super super super hard

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Heh. You should be thanking me for it :wink:

(Btw this is a pic of blue’s search history)

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So what’s ahegao?

Ok, some…

It sounds familiar but I am NOT looking it up

How to erase that from my search history?

How to delete someone else’s post?


Just why

I regret that now, help.

Any ounce of innocence that Insanity may have had, has been eradicated by Maximus, the Cult Leader.


I just looked it up as well

Why did I look it up


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I don’t know why don’t you ask my brain.