54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Why are you guys abusing discobot.

It will stab you if you continue to abuse it.

@discobot Fortune
Should I finish my online homework tonight?

:crystal_ball: Very doubtful

Time to abuse it more

wtf is everyone’s new profile pictures


@MaximusPrime @Geyde

Like this post if you think people should revolt against marl

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Mike from the office

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Stan the man

Like this post if FK’s name is Humphrey Boddingsworth

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Damnit Discobot

I’ve been japed again

you can’t spell Masterthread without Meathead

Please help me, I feel so dizzy, my stomach hurts so much and I feel like i’m going to throw up…It’s 1 am and I don’t want to disturb my mom

Use toilet

I just got back from the bathroom, I had to wake my mom up cause I was puking so hard… I’m still recovering from the episode

Alexa play despacito

Doubt I can replace memesky, but hey, pretend that I am one.

Like this post if you think firekitten should be a mod!

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Like this if you think PoisonedSquid should be a mod