54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Can I help, since the original idea was pretty much forgotten?

You got half of it.

Class-D as a survivor-esque role, and all SCPs as neutral, with most being NK.

Barotrauma, which is really fun.
Especially with the Extension mod.

You guys talking about SCP
I forgot about this, oh no, I think I am back at their reddit now


Yeeeeeesssss :smiling_imp:

That is correct, yes. And what I meant

no it isn’t

yes it is


Which she did

no they didn’t

they didn’t approve of it

they just said let others do what they want

They said anyone who argues against them doesn’t deserve their opinion, seems very much to me like endorsing what you’re defending

Quote it


It is literally right there

Cause that’s their opinion

they didn’t approve of it in there

Why are you even bringing this up again, the first thread was locked anyway

Which means they endorse it… duh

It’s like being a bystander to bullying, if you’re not doing anything to stop it, you’re allowing it to continue I.E endorsing it.


I don’t think you know what approves mean because what if a child was watching someone beat up someone

The child can’t stop it

did they approve of it?