54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I found this in the forum

You’re welcome!

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Read the filler text in the thread I invited you to

< but filler text you can’t read? >

Try me

Beats me.

Gamers rise

Holy moley its getting close

@Livicus ree I thought you changed your pfp to a simpson for 10 seconds

His PFP’s the creator of Homestuck.


@Kirefitten That’s 3 FM i’ve ruined.

You want me to still play FM?


Don’t talk about ongoing games.

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Read my profile.

I’m not, i’m talking about the shit i’ve been through

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Just making absolut sure

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expecting to be good in your first couple of games.

I have a question, when you first started riding a bike how many times did you fall in the beginning?

your profile is also a liar

you didn’t ruin any game

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I’ve fallen about 30 times and never touched a bike since i was 12.

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