54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sad thing, is that Wolf is one of the few that hasn’t been found yet :frowning:

If I play Samus, I get the woomy, but I don’t play Samus, OOF

I play Samus, so I get woomy and dark Samus.

Also, I’m gunning for Ridley and wolf instantly.

Legally that is

Kai, No.

Give me your woomy right now, or the space dragon gets it! :dragon_face: :gun:

Kai yes

ExCuSe Me ItS a PtErOdAcTyL

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Also just to confirm, if you beat lucarios classic, you get mewtwo.

Mr. Sakurai said it’s a space dragon, bucko, so give me my woomy!


I’m getting inceniroar first

Then u get the woomy.

Give me the woomy or the flame cat gets it too :cat: :gun:

I don’t see problem herec

Now your holding FK hostage

Are you sure you haven’t drank

I’m drunk on lack of sleep


I mean I stayed up til 3 yesterday abd prob am again so me_irl

You ready for Baker to shred your defense