54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

inb4 you get banned for spamming and have to replace out of all the fols you’re in

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if you spam to get the cookie then it’ll become “2000th poster gets a cookie”


A fate truly worse than death



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@discobot fortune

Should I report Insanity for spamming?

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:crystal_ball: Don’t count on it

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@discobot roll 1d100

What are the chances Insanity will keep spamming?

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:game_die: 44

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Anyone else notice that there is a bug with the counting thing. If you click the “how long ago it was posted” link at the top of each post it tells you the post number, but the number it gives you is 2 more than the one shown on the thread.

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e.g it says this post is 812 if you click on the “1m” thing at the top right, but the thread shows it as 810

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That’s weird.

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So we will never truly know who gets the cookie. There may be two winners.


Unless I get both posts :stuck_out_tongue:


@discobot fortune

Will you give me the cookie if you get the 1000th post?

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:crystal_ball: Ask again later

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@discobot fortune

Will you give me the cookie if you get the 1000th post?

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:crystal_ball: Yes definitely


You can’t unsay this disco :slight_smile:

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eh, i feel like its the other way around (eg the thread refers to it as 810, but its actually 812)
since both the time thing and the links to this post refer to that post as 812

(for those who don’t know, the last number in the link to this page is the post number, so if you change whatever it is now to 812, it will highlight the post this is in reply to once loaded.)

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Only 180 more

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