54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

marl why you have to bulli me so much :frowning:

It’s my job

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Fun fact: a streamer i found pronounced it Planet Terror.

brb instilling fear on mars

i thought your job was to “moderate with error” tho

when you try so hard but you don’t succeed

in the eeeend it doesnt even matteeer

in the end there is a cookie

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When you have to wait 8 hours to play smash, cause you pre ordered back in Canada and not in Australia.

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We’re all in this together

It’s not the worst for me tbh

4-6 pm allows me time to play

Chibis are not Lolis
Lolis are illegal

Chibis are adult characters drawn in a mere cute way.


Your head

@Insanity dude I just broke the egg during the chinese exam.

like it’s crack


God dang it, you have another egg, right?

dude you sitting next to me

Damn, why are you stalking me.

my ass I came first

u freaking wot m8


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