54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Marcus Cat
Marcus Cat

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Like this if you hate yourself


Are you a neutwal kitten


And I’m out

Hi out Im dad

As you sit at your usual spot outside the cafe, you look out at the sea to your right, waiting for your latte. Well, they don’t call it a ‘seaside cafe’ for nothing.

Soon enough, a waitress comes by and taps you on your shoulder.

“Excuse me sir, you ordered a Grande Caffe Latte?” she says in a cutetsy voice.

“Wow, she sure sounds cute,” you think absentmindedly. You turn around to look at the small waitress but the sun is shining directly into your eyes, so you look down at your slender legs.

“Ah, yes, thank you,” you say as you gratefully take the latte that you ordered 5 minutes ago.

She turns to leave but you decide to take a spur-of-the-moment action and ask her out.

You run up behind her as you shout “Hey, um, excuse me!”

She turns around as a cloud moves to mask the sun, allowing you to get a clear look at her face.

You embarrassedly stutter “Uhhh… N-Nevermind…” before you run back to you seat and look away from her , hoping that she’ll ignore you.

Luckily, or perhaps unluckily for you, she simply shrugs and walks away, creeped out by your weirdnss

You have nightmares about her for the rest of the week.

Her Face


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I moderrored. Geyde can fire again today.

/shoot Geyde to absolve the horror he just witnessed



Was my story really that bad

I love copypastas tbh

My eyes

/shoot Maxi

What about my story lmao

Did you read mine?

Regretfully yes

also this is your reminder to listen to skins

a vampire with a raised eyebrow