54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Like hear me out
Using the power of charisma and good reads combined with the fact that your identity is the same across games to get people to listen to you even when you’re the bad guy

is the same thing as being good
that’s a lotta forethought into how you play


I found it it was a very interesting article

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I just said that being loud isn’t the same as being good

Actually I misspoke I see what you said

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but what does this mean
there’s no guarantee the array is going to look anything like that in most games

you said that the good people aren’t good because they’re only good based on getting a following
this is a totally different argument and I agree with that

Yeah I just saw that

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something something answer your ping

Read down to horseshoe

I’m in school

Ah that makes a lot more sense in context lol

It’s a good article

I disagree with the premise though, I don’t think saying the best players are the ones with both accurate reads and a following, because you need a following (aka less skilled players) for that to work
Doesn’t really work as a rating system imo

If you have accurate reads but never get scum lynched are you a good player?

Also that’s not how it works

You don’t need less skilled players to get people lynched

What I mean is the power of a leader is based on how likely they are to convince others that they’re right. Leaders are bad at convincing other leaders because they generally don’t sway from their own arguments in favour of following someone else, which convolutes things.

(Side note, obviously the entire idea of grouping people into two camps of leader and follower is stupid, but I’m keeping this in simple terms haha)

In short, it depends, and that’s why I don’t think that post gives a good metric for player evaluation.

There’s a bright side of Boopy no longer being a mod.
She can’t lock this thread.


[insert Insanity talking about Elemental FM when it is just pure luck for him to survive]

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That is optimistic :eyes: