54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Image result for mole

Nah, moles have fur.
They’re also really cute.

How do I know this?

I used to hang out with furries quite often.
I just distanced myself at some point.

yeah but are moles a common furry animal?

like do furries use them?

really not common.

Luxx, cbman (judging by profile picture alone and how it’s an animal)

new thread subtitle

furry in denial calls out everyone on this forum who is a possible furry

you know what.

let’s just say everyone is a furry here except me.
we can all accept that, right?

no u

no u

reverse card

hey ashe.

if you made a wall of text in html.
would it still be considered reportable?


sorry i got the mirror shield


well I mean if it’s rulebreaking somehow then yeah since people can still see it through quoting

1 Like

Like this if pug has the big gay


walls of text is massive length posts of spam.

say a vulgard iso length post but it’s just this repeated

“the fuck you say to me you little shit?”

not epic

@discobot fortune

Does pug have gay