54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

A crusade for what :wink:


Rid this earth of


I just merged Nino with Reinhardt, what is the problem ;-;

Magic isn’t everything

Did we need to go furrther?

Go deeper

Wtf is wrong with you all

Insanity, your pfp is demonic

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I have summoned the Demon by the dark ritual.

The blight has perturbed this forum.

It’s called Hallmark.


@Mercenary can you christmas-ify my pfp plz

Nah fam

Same idk how it works tho

@Kirefitten Could ya guys ask in the thread so I’ll check it later


Celeste admired to hosting a game off site similar to the games they run here

Let’s find it

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I present you Reaper.
Writing on a cellphone.

it’s a broken cellphone so bully is legal