54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

techwolves hunts for other tributes.

Eevee receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

PoisonedSquid receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

HTM tracks down and kills The notorious Eevee’s bot .

MaximusPrime sprains his ankle while running away from Hjasik .

Bazingaboy searches for a water source.

NinjaPenguin practices his archery.

Gamerpoke runs away from psychoneirik .

Marluxion runs away from Pug .

Reaper camouflauges himself in the bushes.

cbman explores the arena.

Marcus Doodalee begs for Firekitten to kill him. He refuses, keeping Marcus Doodalee alive.

Twil1ght receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Shurian receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Isaac Gonzalez defeats Luxy in a fight, but spares his life.

An entire army of Memeskys diverts BlueStorm 's attention and runs away.

CheesyNivs shoots an arrow into XBlade 's head.

Planterror poisons Ashe 's drink. She drinks it and dies.

PokemonKidRyan practices his archery.

Blizer taints MathBlade 's food, killing him.

NuclearBurrito receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

The almighty!

I am an elven archer.
Y’all screwed.

Pwned by an entire army. What a shame.

Memebaya my lord

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techwolves stays awake all night.

BlueStorm thinks about home.

Blizer is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

NinjaPenguin thinks about winning.

HTM climbs a tree to rest.

MaximusPrime sets up camp for the night.

Planterror tries to treat his infection.

Bazingaboy tends to PoisonedSquid 's wounds.

Hjasik and Marcus Doodalee sleep in shifts.

Shurian , Luxy , and An entire army of Memeskys discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

cbman thinks about home.

Gamerpoke receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

PokemonKidRyan dies trying to escape the arena.

Pug looks at the night sky.

Firekitten and Isaac Gonzalez huddle for warmth.

Twil1ght forces Reaper to kill Eevee or NuclearBurrito . He decides to kill NuclearBurrito .

psychoneirik bashes CheesyNivs 's head against a rock several times.

Marluxion cooks his food before putting his fire out.



I’m too clumsy
My bow skills are great, also intelligent. Ask me to escape something and you’re gonna be locked in a DR murder room with no way out

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Day 5

Reaper receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

techwolves sprains his ankle while running away from cbman .

Gamerpoke kills BlueStorm as he tries to run.

An entire army of Memeskys attacks Luxy , but psychoneirik protects him, killing An entire army of Memeskys .

PoisonedSquid receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Marluxion searches for firewood.

HTM begs for Pug to kill him. He refuses, keeping HTM alive.

Planterror goes hunting.

Firekitten receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Marcus Doodalee and Bazingaboy work together for the day.

Eevee sprains his ankle while running away from NinjaPenguin .

Twil1ght picks flowers.

MaximusPrime stalks Blizer .

Hjasik travels to higher ground.

Isaac Gonzalez strangles Shurian after engaging in a fist fight.

Soooo pacifist


Absolute unit.

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Pug sets up camp for the night.

Bazingaboy cooks his food before putting his fire out.

cbman is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

NinjaPenguin tracks down and kills Eevee .

Isaac Gonzalez and Luxy huddle for warmth.

Marcus Doodalee loses sight of where he is.

Planterror , Hjasik , and psychoneirik cheerfully sing songs together.

Reaper and MaximusPrime tell stories about themselves to each other.

Firekitten cries himself to sleep.

techwolves tries to treat his infection.

Gamerpoke thinks about winning.

Blizer cooks his food before putting his fire out.

Marluxion , Twil1ght , and PoisonedSquid cheerfully sing songs together.

HTM starts a fire.

Jas deserved it.

10000000 IQ

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accurate to real life

That’s ma boy!

PoisonedSquid searches for firewood.

Reaper travels to higher ground.

Hjasik overhears Bazingaboy and Marluxion talking in the distance.

Luxy collects fruit from a tree.

MaximusPrime thinks about home.

Marcus Doodalee sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

cbman fishes.

HTM defeats Blizer in a fight, but spares his life.

Firekitten , psychoneirik , and NinjaPenguin hunt for other tributes.

techwolves collects fruit from a tree.

Planterror questions his sanity.

Gamerpoke tries to spear fish with a trident.

Isaac Gonzalez constructs a shack.

Twil1ght travels to higher ground.

Pug receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.