54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Nah, only 98

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@discobot roll 1d30

What day is my birthday?

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:game_die: 16

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More spice!

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COOKIE!!! :smiley:

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I have to go to sleep soon, NO!!!

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I’ll miss the cooker!

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You won’t <3

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86 posts to go… who will take the cookie? Who will become the supreme ruler of the forums?


Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!

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Isn’t that Boslof or Xblade?

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Yeah, but they who holds the cookie holds the power, or so the tales go.

inb4 Xblade steals the cookie at the last moment

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Be me
At School
82 posts remaining

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Would you want to play a game with no neutrals, except everyone has a neutral goal on top of their main one?

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woo! only 78 post left!
we’re getting close!

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3 cheers for cookies!


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