54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Lowest I’ll join is 4p cause that’s at least the most balanced
also saw the joke

@orangeandblack5 I would watch more MiA if I wasn’t trying to fucking finish Worm

Currently at the Weaver arc btw

hey mario look what I made

It’s a stone luigi. you didnt make it.

it’s a football. i chiselled it.

well what are you waiting for, throw me a pass

it’s even official size. but not official weight


I knew this fricking epic video existed from 2016

@PoisonedSquid how do you deal with 12/12

Don’t read all the posts



Oh god, that is literally me.

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gl on ur test btw

don’t fail : P

i just want to say
when this reaches 10000
the world will end
post at your own risk

So I will finally achieve my goal

Oh fun!

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Cursed song

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no like? :frowning:

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Let me just post random stuff until Friday :wink:

  • If I had a dog that was as ugly as you, I’d shave it’s butt and tell it to walk backwards.

That’s animal abuse