54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

strong text

Should I in the holiday mash on MU y/n?

@discobot roll 1d2

1 - no
2 - yes

:game_die: 2

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The dice have spoken @Icibalus :^)

Yes if you aren’t I riot

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i’ve joined
if you rand neighbouriser you must immediately get a chat with me N1

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Number one mission

1.Confuse the heck out of Ici and squid


I’m adding your name to the list as well glhf

  1. FPS to seem like main wolf

how did you know

tbf I actually have some great ideas involving Ici and squid

test quote


the quote bug

It only happens every so often, which is the main problem we’ve been having with it

Explain :thinking:


Seems to work fine for me. Try clearing your cache. We rebaked posts earlier (took 24 hours) which was supposed to reduce the home screen’s category sizes … but alas, that didn’t even work.

Perhaps it has something to do with posting WHILE rebaking. It’s done now , so maybe it’ll go away