54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Sorta like coins in a chest?


Sort of, but it’s not a chest, it’s just a boring box

I was going to make an elaborate pirate joke :frowning:


I guess I’m a real life Cedar :thinking:

I’ll just settle for the obvious option shrug


Mix the egg and a spoon of flour in a bowl, fry it

Can I not be placed in 1v1s in Smash? They remind me of how shit I am

But, 1v1`s are fun, and allow you to practice more on your character.

They’re not fun for a person that loses them all the damn time

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I know how to shield and grab, but my hands won’t instinctually go to them, the only time I actually win a match is if I have items to use

I want to be better, but I just don’t know how

Use aerials and tilts more

Some Dthrows can be combo`d still

(Looking at you Samus/DSamus)

I-I somehow defeated Captain Falcon as Pit in a 1 v 1, doesn’t happen often

Pit/Dpit is really good this game tbh

like the engine is super good for him, and his Aerials are beastly

Honestly, @PoisonedSquid I would play with you to get practice in before the tournament, but im busy this morning, as i have another family event i need to attend to, then im free for like 3-4 hours again.

Thanks, Blizer, I’ll charge my switch so that I don’t lose battery before that happens

hit or miss

I’ll @ you when i have time.

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Impatience grows within me
(Also Seven is part of the definition of couple now? :thinking:)