54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i gotta go again soon, so im closing it down

that was quite enjoyable and u gave me a challenge


Well, I’m glad to fight a powerful opponent :slight_smile:
I must say that was great practice

Who won


My hate for the ice climbers has increased ngl.

1 Like

Squid won 2, i won like 7 or 8.

But, all of the matches were pretty close tbh.

I don’t main Ice Climbers to piss anyone off, but I do like to “twirl” my hammers around

I was getting annoyed,as i accdeintally used up smash many times, when i wanted up tilt.

if this quote gets deleted then blue is gay


@reaper rolls so low at intuition it hurts

Big Chungus (aka testing)

Chungus the Second (more testing)

Chungus III (final test)

System’s deleting the entire quote of the immediate post above


king k rool

chungus is a funny word

how does this work

bitch delete my quote already