54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Well, yeah.

But who cares if you stay inside your house 24/7 >:)

They can infiltrate your house

if you don’t have bugs inside your house you’re weak

I’d rather not have bugs in my house

chasing mosquitoes is fun

But being chased by mosquito is not

hunter or prey
you choose.

How about you just don’t let them into your house

I never clean my walls so I still have fossils of mosquitoes here and blood from at least 3 years ago

Oh god

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I bwite rawr uwu


here is it so you can fulfill your bolbing dreams

In a few days time this thread will be 2 years old

I wish I could see snow

let it diee
let it dieeeeeee

What do you mean

lemme join on this tol rp class card action


Blue Dragon Killer
Last Breath (Passive) - Upon dying, you will kill the last person you marked for death.
Seething Hatred (Day) - Mark a player. If you and them visit the same person, you will kill them. This mark lasts until you switch it. Infinite Uses, can only be on one person at a time.
Rocket Boots (Night) - Choose a player to attack. If they visit another player, you will die instead. 1 use.
Guard Squad (Night) - Choose a player. You will know if they are a Knight, or a variant of it. 4 uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I am evil

i wish we in louisana had some snow :sob:

I still don’t get it
Were you singing that starset song