54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

why the fuck…?

Doing things because we can not because we should

You fkin name changin bish

I thought Memesky came back

I’m gonna go back to my corner and cry now

No u

No, No u

Uno reverse card

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Uno +4 card

wait already used that on someone else, well shit

Uno draw 4 again

Changing color to Mëmë

firekitten takes long ass shits

Meme 420

Uno Wildcard

Change Color to Commit No Air to Lungs

unfortunately for you, geyde breathes through his highly porous skin and doesn’t need his lungs at all

Uno Blue Eyes White Dragon


Uno Skip Card

No u

Geyde, what’re you doing.

I am become Memesky

…of course you have.

No u

Geyde stop

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