54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

alright, if you like Pi, SOLVE THIS then


i managed to solve this in 5 minutes, by the way.

It’s like math - and + is negative but - and - is positive

Ici I don’t know that yet

Nah, we’ve known all the neccecary stuff to solve that for 2 years ago on my curriculum.
Behold, the power of M A T H S

You can’t just say nah you know that

tbh if I actually tried I could probably figure it out without the exact formula by just taking a circle formula diving it by two or something like that

no but there is actually a fairly simple calculation involved in that
the trick is figuring out the way to get to it

I could try to get the forumula


I don’t feel like it rn

I’m not asking you for the area of the semi-circle, I’m asking you for the area of the red shaded part, which does not have an exact formula

@Emilia I’ll give it to you after school at 4 pm my time

If I take the whole circle and divide it by two I can know the area of the whole circle

then I can just find the other areas of the other stuff and minus it from that I think

Trick question? There is not enough information.

Also geometry suckssssss

believe me, I’d know if there was an exact formula of an ellipse that doesn’t require advanced mathematics

@Solic nope. We figured it out based on purely the information given.

Actually going to try to figure this out now

ABED is a rectangle, by the way.

Nah, you’d have to make assumptions, like the fact that it’s actually a semi-circle, which isn’t provided.

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BD would also equal AE right

Oh, right. I should say that.

ABED is within a semicircle.

sorry, inexact wording is a scourge on fools who try to set maths questions on online forums

wouldn’t the square area be 50 unless I totally forgot the forumula for how to get the area of a square

Yes ik it isn’t the forumula for that shaded thing just wondering