54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

just give an example

I can’t because
A: I’m not a genius
B: I have drama homework, I’m busy
C: i don’t fucking know

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basically it won’t mean anything for a long time yet but it is theoretically proof that violating the laws of thermodynamics could be possible, as well as time travel being possible

Alright so should I be scared or excited


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Alright guys I have a plan.

I’m going to attach a number with an object. 1-9 objects. Then I will make a story that somehow has 80 of those objects…wish me luck

Ooh, Like choose your adventure?

no so I can remember 80 digits of pi



Well best of luck
I only know 3.14

3.1415 here

Brace yourself when I finish making a story



i know more of tau though.


As you put the key in the door, you noticed something weird. There were pictures of donuts (3) berries (1) and eggs (4) on the door. Opening the door you look on the floor, berries (1) and other fruits (5) were scattered across the floor. I got my key and placed it on the key holder, then noticed a fuzzy cat (9) eating a cookie you
Left out (2). I then went into the desk that I normally go to, and noticed that the grapes (6) and the fruits (5) that spilled on the floor were actually from the desk. However there were some donuts (3) still on the desk, unfortunately most of the fruits (5) that spilled were ruined. I then noticed the light (8) to the desk flickering, the bulb was too old for this. The fuzzy (9) cat somehow found a hotdog (7) and was rubbing up against me, silly fuzzy cat (9). I then walk into my kitchen and notice the donuts (3) and cookies (2) left on the counter. I go and grab a donut (3) and eat it. Then I noticed the kitchen light (8) not working. It was actually just egg (4) covering the light.


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The way I remember what’s associated with each number is simple.

As I count down the alphabet the numbers get higher. So basically I just got to remember that the further the letter of the word I’m thinking of the higher the number. As well when I’m writing down the pi number I have to write down this chart from memory then the story lmao

Also that’s only 20 numbers god have mercy

Use this to remember all the dates of the solar eclipses. Travel back in time to medieval Europe, and claim that you are causing the solar eclipses, predicting each one perfectly
Be worshipped as a god




The Haunted Bullet

The Persistent Bullet-1

In terms of being unlucky, it’s hard to top Henry Zeigland – the man who thought he’d dodged fate. But perhaps it was all just poetic justice.

It all started in 1883, when he broke off a relationship with his girlfriend, who then killed herself from the distress. Her brother went so crazy that he vowed to kill Ziegland no matter what. He hunted him down and shot him. Believing him dead, the brother then turned the gun on himself and ended his own life.

But Ziegland wasn’t dead. The bullet had only grazed his face and then lodged in a large tree behind him. He thought himself an incredibly lucky man.

But the story didn’t end there. Years later, Ziegland decided to cut down the tree, which still had the bullet lodged in it. The task seemed so tough that he decided to blow it up with a few sticks of dynamite.

The explosion sent the bullet out straight into Ziegland’s head, killing him instantly. Now that’s freaky – or incredibly unlucky.

Look at this lmao

Dog Retrieves Dynamite

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Picture this: it’s deep winter in the far north. Harry Jenkins and his two buddies go ice fishing one day at Ten Mile Lake in Akeley, Minnesota. The lake is completely iced over.

In an attempt to quickly create a large hole for fishing, Mr. Jenkins first lights, then tosses, a stick of illegally obtained dynamite across the ice.

To his horror, his pet dog Jerry, a Labrador retriever (doh!) races across the ice in an attempt to retrieve the dynamite – thinking that his master is throwing a stick for him. This isn’t going to end well, is it?

The dog picks up the dynamite – despite screams from the men – then starts to run back towards them with a wagging tail. The three men realize they’re in worse danger than they thought, so they begin to run for their lives in the opposite direction, with the dog chasing them.

The men narrowly escape death – but the explosion not only blows up the dog; it also cracks the ice near the truck, which then sinks through the surface and plunges to the bottom of the lake.

In addition to losing his dog, Mr. Jenkins became a double loser when the insurance company refused to pay on his claim for the sunken truck.
Not ideal, let’s face it

Honestly wtf