54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


See.i was going to joke about being insane by posting the image a lot but I don’t have time

Can i leak CoI info

By that i mean you secret


I don’t even know what u r talking about

Which probably means that I don’t even want myself to know so no

also gtg

Ok, litten is actually a lazy cat IRL

Can confirm.

Source: Am doing stuff repeatedly and expecting a different outcome.

another lazy catto

I just discovered that I love analyzing poetry but I can’t do that in English because I physically refuse to learn this weird sillable separation

Thank luna for revealing the secret of how to get likes

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I think I can memorize 40 digits

wish me luck

I memroized a story

It’s funny how when you can’t remember 40 digits you memorize but you can remember a longer story


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Oh wait I was typing fast

it’s funny how you can’t memorize 40 digits but you can memorize a long story

I was wondering the same thing


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I got 38 out of 40 of the numbers correct