54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

absolutely not you know the trauma I feel when I get addicted to a certain anime then realize they still haven’t made a second season

Ah, the worst kind. No game no life, Devil is a part timer, and Nanbaka s3 (It is supposed to have a s3)

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Watch Fullmetal Alchemist either version. There isn’t as much filler as something like One Piece. and it’s a true masterpiece.

Or hmm watch Death Note. I feel like you might appreciate that one in particular since it has strategic elements similar to FM…? :thinking:

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I dont the One Piece filler but the canon is still good

Have you watch Angels of Death?

Nope, I haven’t.

I wanna watch it after One Piece

Finally finished VC
I’ll fresh my mind with something else than a game that I’ve been running for over a month

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Like FoL?


I’m already in a FM

So basically two smart guys trying to see who’s smarter


Light and L. Guy with book and the detective

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you live in japan? holy shit


Oh right

It’s all a lie

I hate my exercises for not being leveled up for difficulty
The first one required me to know the difference between the quanta theory by Max Planck, Bohr’s atomic model and discoveries that were made after that
The second one only required me to know that only Bohr’s atoms can perform quantic jumps


i hate to interject in all-caps (thus proving my opinion invalid) but it is definitely amongst the greatest anime ever. Basically, it’s one of those heist movies where people are like “Yeah, and this is how we did it!” but extended beautifully, with the detectives actuallly being as intelligent as the criminals, the criminal is a mass murderer and it’s all set up so that we actually agree with what Light is doing half the time.


And then there is that annoying kid

“but L, how did you figure out that Light was suspicious? I don’t see the problem with him maniacally laughing when you mention Kira’s latest plot!”