54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I get bored when I think something is sokved

add here btw

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Pretty sure that’s natural.
There isn’t much left to the game if you think it’s solved.

It’s just the convincing stage at that point

no I’m serious
I want to have fun and do solving and then bam you can’t focus or sit still

Are you doing anything in response to deal with it

Usually I take medicine for adhd, it helps a lot except when it wears off.

I use booster pills near the end of my day most of the time.

You could bring that up with your doctor / whoever does your perscriptions next time you meet.

I take medicine at the nurses office whenever I’m in school but not when I’m not in school

(As in after noon)

Ah. Fair enough.

Is ADHD an annoyance when working on weekends?

I think if I didn’t have adhd I could be a lot better at mafia

or maybe not I’ll probably be really bored with it soon after

I’m 15

also I can’t go to sleep without taking medicine either

Your weekends aren’t absolutely clogged?

I practically require meds to get through them

No believe it or not I’m a very anti social person

I learned a while ago that keeping to yourself is much either


Ping me on here when signups for a turbo on MU open.

I’ll probably try it out