54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

No the Geyde police are here. insanity hide now!

Hide in the closet instead

This is not the police.
We do not have you surrounded.

Do not come out with your hands up.

Is that you, Noir?

It’s just the northen lights.

Northern lights!!?

That’s the worst enemy.

image k


he randomly messaged me

Memesky back from the grave? :thinking:

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Didn’t we burn him?

He rised from the ashes like Phoenix

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He was active for a tiny bit

beep boop

We updated the edit / pm limit to be higher, so you no longer have to deal with utterly unreasonable situations.

But you’re unreasonable as a whole /s

Unfortunately, my name is not unreasonable as a whole /s. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think one of my teachers forget they said we had a test today everyone’s confused but no one said anything lmao


Oh no.

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no joke

I walked towards the kitchen to get a glass of water, I put my hand on the counter then my head gets dizzy like it sometimes do and I fall down on the ground with images flashing around in my mind.