54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it’s not that hard to get down who is who if you look in past threads

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The point is I shouldn’t have to do that

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That’s squid

For clarification, I saw that Solic changed his to “Mesky”.

if you need i can post the key here for you
it is april fools to be fair this is one day a year and i know most forum websites pull trick moves on april fools so i don’t really blame them
I have seen much worse april fools pranks elsewhere.

Rah but it’s past 12PM where I’m at

Unfortunately, afternoon does not give one the ability to see through pranks.

Yes, but now they are the fools.

Join. us. :eyes:

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No u


(But will you review a slightly incomplete smalltown setup I have ideas for)

I don’t like the word incomplete, but sure I’ll review a setup I have never played myself. :upside_down_face:


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this topic is still a thing? oh boy
I blame this for 90% of my emails


Ah, well then. That’s a little discouraging. I uh… hm. It’s incomplete because my brain can’t brain enough ideas. ‘-’

>expecting this thread to stop

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Yeah no I don’t give a shit

Yea u do.