54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I don’t know but I have A LOT OF GREAT IDEA’S

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Well, my private messages on discord/forum are available for use.

I’m naming my places after which TW3 quest I am rn and I really want to move forward to remove this disgrace from my profile

X is my strength but also my weakneee

it’s funny that everyone can say this about anything.

Being smart is my strength but also my weakness
Causing riots is my strength but also my weakness
Being able to do reaction tests is my strength but also my weakness.
Being impulsive is my strength but also my weakness

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Is this a new thread idea?

Do it


wtf I haven’t used a furby in like I don’t know how long and the cat touched it and it woke up. HOW TF DOES IT HAVE BATTERIES AND HOW DO YOU TURN IT OFF

Locate the nearest window

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it’s literally the most annoying toy ever

there’s no off button

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That’s why we have hammers. They’re cathartic AND efficient.


Have you ever tried putting it inside a microwave before?

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It’s your child now

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Why don’t we make a goal to like every single post in this channel and make this the most liked forum post of all time.

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This is glitched, if you scroll up to 8059: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/12345th-poster-gets-a-cookie/266/4218 it’s from Aug '18 but if you scroll up to 4218 it’s from Sep '18: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/12345th-poster-gets-a-cookie/266/5129

Absolutely not.

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Absolutely yes.


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Not the Y’all need some more love thread but smushed onto a post