54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The Princess is a very good cook and has always been a wonderful addition to our group of people who have been in the middle of a rice field with a giant foam dog

The Cult Leader in the game is dying for the old tree below the mountain top and it has a great idea of what to do with breed and how to make it look like a large pan of wine.

The Aristocrat is not a good thing for y’all but I’m not really sure what you wanna do I just got home right now I’ll see ya next weekend and I’ll take y’all to the movies and then a couple of days later this year I wanna come to town to get the kids to work on the train

I just realized most of the predictions on my phone come from mnemonics I used

For someone from the UK, I sure do have a fondness for the word “y’all”.

for british people, contractions are like the dark side of the force


It’s nothing!

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I say this whenever I’m about to EXPLODE

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I am going to be leaving forums for a week or so.

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Put it in the ‘long absences’ thread?

Town Fruit Vendor + Universal Backup
Town Tracker
Town Jailkeeper
Vanilla Town x7

Mafia Tracker
Mafia Ninja
Strongwilled Goon

I need thoughts on this setup

Does it seem balanced?
Would you play it?


Err… maybe replace these with low powered townies and one vanillariser?

This is an open setup with no variation to it

Ergo adding in low power roles will make the setup massively townsided

Oh. Yeah, I’d play it.
as long as I’m not immediately pushed d1.

Wolfy post

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No u

/vote BlueStorm.

It’s not but I can’t put my finger on why. I just know it’s probably town sided