54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@Geyde if you run it you should get people to agree to playing the game and not just Afking

That’s how you run the setup

I think the setup works fine then.



@Geyde plz

I can images of bombs

Fuck that’s good

I can’t make the chart and without the chart, it’s like not even really short fuse anymore.

I’m like 0.001% on board with image based FM over text based. :thinking:

More power to you if you can make it work.

village won without a single mislynch

vig shot perfectly

in that game

btw I know some languages that go HORRIBLE on google tradutor
specifically Latin and Hawaiian
Google does their best on japanese but it is always ambiguous
Persian sometimes bugs out and you will have normal text with another alphabet

The setup only really works as MS paint-ified if the mod has to interpret each post to see if they’re using their detonation based on an image rather than words :^)


Unfortunately the file size cap can’t be increased.
Use imgur and keep a notepad or something with all the links


I feel like you just necro’ed this gif.

Darkest Timeline gifs never went away, Solic.


It’s been literal ages since it has last been used here. :smile:

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.


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