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Let’s not forget I also have to memorise the exact grammatical constructions required so I can construct simmilarly detailed answers with only 20 minutes to spare.

The worst part is that this is only 25% of the damn test.

Ici do me a favor and like turn off all things technology that you don’t need to work.
It’s going to murder memorization.

N o o b s

You know what? If you say it works, I’ll give it a try for one question and see if it goés in more.

This would be a lot harder if my father didn’t speak German fluently, thank goodness.

I’m already splitting it up into individual sentences, but considering it’s extremely easy to construct valid sentences with 5 clauses in German that’s not going to be easy.

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the most unsatisfying part of the exam is that only like 10% of the things I’m going to memorise are going to be relevant.

Which is unbelievably frustrating, as you can imagine.

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Fortunately, I did myself a favour and made it so I did my longest answer on the most difficult topic (including the passive twice so I could make the length slightly shorter than it would otherwise need to be) so I won’t get as many questions on it.

either that or I’m going to spend all of this effort to get like 4 marks up from my mock result, which is very possible considering that I did shockingly well by simply bullshitting answers on the spot.

You’ll do better by knowing the material and bullshitting based on that

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I’m tempted to go on a giant rant about how the German GCSE is horribly planned and encourages people to brainlessly not understand the German and not even care about it to the point where it feels like sometimes it actively discourages further study of it.

insert giant education system rant here

It’s almost like applying a rigid standardized education system to variable people who learn things differently is a terrible idea dansgame

At least British education is slightly better than the American system (from my perspective), but it still appears to focus far too much on artificial safety nets for my liking, especially since for every GCSE there’s two versions, the easier of which physically cannot be failed wheras the higher tier can be failed if you fuck up.

insert me flexing about how I never learnt anything in school for about 5 years because I’d left the education system in the dust by Year 3 here

I basically never tried all throughout elementary-middle and still got straight As for some reason

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This is what I call a “big mascle flex”, which is basically flexing about your ability to recognise your flexes.

Classic example of the Angloamerican system’s faliures is mostly that you can’t cite a single successful who was created BY the lower education system, but only people who were ahead in lower education and average in higher education, and people who “resisted the school system” and turned out to be geniuses.

Also, the constant stream of “U CAN DO IT!” propoganda has led one of my classmates to believe, and I quote “all of the people who were smart at school end up being dumb as dults and all the poeple who were dumb at school end up being smart so you’re going to end up being a faliure [said to me]”

Less ranting more memorizing.

It’s almost like constantly being told that success is entirely independent from actual intelligence and aptitude causes people to become complacent in their own ability rather than to acheive the intended effect of instilling work ethic.

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you’re right

If you want I can suspend you until your test is done :^)