54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ve been very bored all day and I don’t know what to do about it. :thinking:

Annoy me

Paradoxically, I’d probably ignore that post, if I attempted to do that.

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You do that everyday

Gotta live up to my name.

The meanest person on the fora. :eyes:


Play on MU


Solic will stay loyal


Also, I’m probably not bored anymore in like an hour when I go to bed and tomorrow is brand new day.

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it’s a matter of loyal or fun

I’ll choose fun

But somehow I will still elongate this thread for no reason in this moment.

false I cursed you to feel bored whenever you don’t play mafia on MU

I have fun here. All the funs.

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I can tell that without that

That’s not a very nice thing to do. :no_mouth:

/remove curse from solic

not playing in the same games as me is rude :frowning:

Firekitten for meanest person on this fora! Who’s with me? :eyes: