54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute



the sims 3 legacy/100-baby challenge tips:

  • it doesn’t specifies that the legacy needs to be human, so pick a genie
  • hypnotize people with your genieness and force them to divorce their spouses to marry you
  • make sure your heir is a genie to continue this exploit. If they aren’t a genie them kill all the people who come before them in sucession until your sucessor is a genie.
  • pick a non-freelancery profession to whoever is going to hold pregnancies as their maternity leaves will acumulate so much you will barely work again in your life
  • put a radio with baby music in every room of your house blasting with infantile music, it helps with twin/triples chance
  • make both parents read the two books about pregnancy, it helps with twin/triples chance
  • put all your TVs into the kid’s channel, it helps with twin/triples chance
  • fertility treatment to both parents, it helps with twin/triples chance
  • you can influence kid’s gender by eating certain fruits but this is not allowed in most versions of the challenge

also get a more-portraits mod bc then you won’t be forced to always move people out
taking care of multiple babies in legacy/100-babies is either true hell or a cakewalk
cakewalk because you will have always a handful of hands to help with them
true hell because they can get uncared for very quickly (I tasked my simbot with caring the babies and he then just ran out once a hour and everyone else was at a similar situation when I tried to redirect them to the task)

Wait what the fuck this is a thing

they are actually separate challenges but very similar in execution
both are excedingly popular


Legacy is about making a family that lasts 10 generations, 100-babies is about giving birth to 100 babies as fast you can through multiple generations and without using the same male twice

You see, The Sims has a majorly female fanbase as it is remindable of a dolls game.
And no girl ever played with dolls with calm tea parties unless they were playing in group.
most dolls were either in a high-violence mexican novel, fucking all the time or simply being used as tokens to some kind of tabletop/card game

found 3 good links on it, I’m forced to mark them as non-explicit nsfw content.

I’m not kidding
nothing can be as disturbing as a 8yo’s 4-hour length play with their dolls/figures alike

I propose a law that says all forum mafia participants must read the thread if they are in the game. This is to counter HTM.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

@Geyde @Htm @solic

Wait, what happened?

Can someone read this poll for me? I’m lazy.


It’s eerie how spot on that was.

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I’ll be glad if I’m not obliged to read posts of certain hyperposters, sooo no. :^)

A long time ago htm didn’t want to read threads

he vanished

In Wazza game pre reroll he did the same thing

Let’s fix it

oh wait I just realized

well done

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Wonder who those hyper posters are


Hmmm, I guess Alice?

I wonder how a mafia game would go if you could only post a single post each day. :thinking: and votes would be cast privately or something.

that’s not mafia that’s a guessing game

Well maybe not private votes, but votes cast with your one post.

It just completely alters how you could play it. It’s a lot more scumsided obviously so there would be more town players than normal, but I disagree it’s just a guessing game.