54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Really? Lmao

The then small city of Rio de Janeiro was not prepared to welcome the Portuguese court. While the royal family was greeted with cheer and festivities that lasted for weeks, 10,000 houses were branded with the letters ‘PR’ standing for príncipe regente or prince regent, which meant that the homeowners had to evacuate to allow for the nobility to move in. In an almost silent form of protest, Brazilians quickly gave another meaning to the letters. They started to read ‘PR’ as ponha-se na rua , a phrase that directly translates into to “put yourselves out on the street.”

Sadly the post you quoted seemed to be a lie. Sad.
There were a shitton of nobility titles but they were given almost exclusively to europeans

The reason why the rich never seem to get poorer, even when they’re in debt, is because they manage to spend less money. See Terry Pratchett’s “boots” theory of socioeconomic unfairness.

Opening statement is conflictuous

The reason the rich never seem to get poorer is because of class distanciation
The reason some rich can recover og debts may be spending less money

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That depends on your definition of rich

tfw you go outside to a track field in history class as a “field trip”


we are doing nothing but standing around

Climb on trees or riot

Super important test = no u.

(seriously though, hate em)

@discobot fortune do you also hate em?

:crystal_ball: Outlook good

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Going to take that as a yes.

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

@discobot fortune did you have to do it to em?


:crystal_ball: Outlook good

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@fortune em

@discobot fortune em

:crystal_ball: It is certain

besides spamming ts3 I can also spam neopets here so here it comes