54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I am incredibly mature

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No u

M-my Ace! Give it back!
I stole it from my own deck!

Actually in hindsight this statement doesn’t make much sense but let’s go along with it.

We actually made a whole deck of the cards in graphic design class and we are making the box for the our deck

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no you aren’t

@discobot fortune doesn’t this look awesome?

:crystal_ball: Most likely

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most likely

he’s not even judging it D:

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

I realised something.

Pigs can fly?

That a class should exist for eating kangaroos and orange slimes?

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No. My locker number (at school) is 079.

Is there something you want to tell us htm

Nah… nothing really.

What answer is “most likely” lul

That time when you have 1% battery left…


This is the part where I tell you it was sarcasm.

make your phone go commit energized htm, you’re phone should never be at ~10%