54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

You’re not wrong

Time to conquer these forums.

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I have a king now.

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Why conquer the world when you can just take over the forums.

Yeh, you get used to the blood pretty quickly actually.

Because then you conquer the forums too…

I know whose blood this is :eyes:

You need priorities.


Efficiency is key. :smile:

Wait… who’s blood is it?

Is it mine?

Am I bleeding?

It’s mine

It’s not yours, shhhhh. I have slain someone to initiate you.

… Oh she recognized it.

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Uhh… I mean, okay.

Didn’t want to hurt you, the brainwashing part is worse enough ;D

I’m trying to procrastinate my work, anyone got any steam game recommendations? :thinking:


Do you play other games than steam

If they’re free

Danganronpa 1, Danganronpa 2, Danganronpa Another Episode (got a lot of upskirts, I’ll warn ya) and Danganronpa V3.

None are free but are worth it.