54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Big Brother has its seasons in the US at least, sometimes they are good other times the contestants just feel to fake

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Ah I’m a bit obsessed with the show. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: It is somewhat related to social deduction.

What’s social deduction :stuck_out_tongue:

I blame production. Some of the earlier seasons are gold.

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To socially deduct

I think it’s when you act like a murderer and then people lynch you


It’s the genre that ToL is derived from. Using social relationships to deduce things I guess.


Strange thing, never heared of it.

I mean… you are new after all.

still waiting :sleeping:

I think they are being sarcastic

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;D I’m called the Queen of Newbies

What, I don’t think they are?

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Nah you probably right, H_Hjaisk is the one being fooled here.

I have told you often enough I’m playing no social deduction
(don’t ask me how I came to ToL)


you have been trolled

or are

Reee I was being sarcastic too.