54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

@discobot roll 3d6

:game_die: 4, 6, 4

Damn it.
@Discobot roll 3d6

:game_die: 6, 3, 5


Memes, the DNA of the soul

Xed has actually been deleted.

Xed is gone

I just no longer want to work on it, let the legacy of it as a meme be the appeal of it.

In fact, I may never work on any SFoL again unless someone asks for me

(can’t wait until a few days where I make a SFoL)

Work on a SFoL!



not in that way.

It’s more if I’d like to help

ok now I’m thinking of making Xed revamped just as a meme mode that won’t get accepted

Make xed but every role is 10x stronger

I actually feel like you’re more likely to work on it after you’ve made this post. :upside_down_face:

Work on DR SFoL :wink:

Mod doesn’t counts

so just buff unseen, cult and nk?

And PIrate faction

Basically it’s same but everyone are OP compared to fol standard

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pirate faction wouldn’t even need a buff

it’s already fucking op