54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I have more likes now, reeee.


Ok but why.

I guess it’s somehow a new day for me.

How many likes do you get each day (because community guides get more likes correct)

Tbh idk, I’m not that much in forum mechanics yet.

Lets see, you got 493 likes in 111 day.

So you get the average about 4.44144 likes per day.

:thinking: :confused: :thinking:

Don’t worry, mine is only 4.246573 likes per day ;-;

No thonk?

Instant unsubscribe

We might not look at likes per day but on likes per post

You get about 0.2594736842 likes per post.

Sounds reasonable.

I didn’t know you had subscribed to me reeeee

It is kinda upsetting knowing that I have posted around 10k trashpost inside the forum.

No because I don’t have infinite amount of likes

At least you have 10k well-liked trashposts in this forum

My average likes per post is only 0.31 likes tho.

And I am around 2 years in in this forum .-.

Find some random spammers. Calculate their likes per post quote. Be happy.

Hjasik have around 0.1313 likes per post.


I feel like this is my life achievement.

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