54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wazza, be nice, for me : )

Are you trying to tick me off right now?


Ignore him. He can’t do anything.

Why can’t you just be serious for once Isaac? Please? Whenever a serious thing is going on you just meme a lot. Seriously.

what am i doing

So serious topic.

I’ve never experienced emotional abuse, been stalked, or have been betrayed by a close friend with long term consequences. Also never broken bone.


I don’t even understand how someone could be afraid of a stalker as long as it is known

its creepy

The creepiest part is when they confess they are a stalker to you.

And then you get all “ToS Veteran” mode, going alert all the time.

Killing all your visitors

sorry I felt I had to


Generally I find putting a face onto a perceived threat lowers the fear associated with it.
Why in this case does the confession make it more creepy thereon after?

Because, if you didn’t know, and they confess to you that they’ve been stalking you for a long period of time
It really scares you, you don’t know what they’ve seen

why is it scary though

I guess I can’t understand this since I am very open about who I am.
It’s a personal thing then, I suppose.

what could they have seen that would make it scary for you

I had a guy stalk me for like an hour, my friends and I were in a Best Buy and a creepy guy in Camo to be called Camo Guy for the rest of this story, came up to my one friend. He seemed like he wasnt all there in the head based in how he was talking and asked my friend for a handshake. My friend for some reason gave it to him and after like 20 minutes we left to head to the mall like 3 mins away. In the mall whenever we went out of a store he just was there standing and staring. Eventually it got really fucking weird when suddenly he was outside the bathroom when we went in as a group. We kinda ran across the mall, and luckily never saw Camo Guy again. Like it was scary but realistically we were in a group in the crowded mall so nothing really could happen. But overall if I see people who are a tiny bit creepy I try and stay away. It doesnt help I take public transportation everyday