54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Not to mention they would never ever do it just on national pride alone.

im not lazy at all


It’s worth it

Also the government can just print money

(Inflation doesn’t exist you have no proof)

i print money

Thats not how that works, the more we print the less its worth

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It’s sad too since it’s a good number:

“The number 169 is used by your angels to inform you of your good fortune.”


Printing money devalues it and generally makes an economy unstable.


I read something online about it only being worth less if the companies raises the prices

No proof

Except every economics book out there. :man_shrugging:

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Also what is an angel number :thinking:

Can you prove that fluffy unicons don’t rule the universe?

Well that depends on what you mean by economics

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Also just supply and demand

No because they clearly exist :unicorn:

I’m disgusted by the low tiers I’ve achvied
Finished HK under a week
Stuck on the final boss, which is an easy boss
Goes to take an artifact to help me on it
Loses hype and abandons game just before getting the artifact
10/10 amirite.

I have that with a lot of games, but instead of losing hype I purposefully dont beat them so the hyoe never leaves


I mean I’m debating yeeting through the current campaign im on so I can activate permadeath and put it on the hardest difficulty in the game