54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Realistically any submissions should start in 8 days to accommodate for the multiball

RM3 + FoL 21 + Marson should be the max that can be added.


This is of course alongside the very large 25p multiball. Think Marson can get set back a bit to compensate…

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That should work depending on SFoL 48’s end.

Can I even run Marson here?
I don’t think so

You can

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suppose so

Problem would be getting to fill. A lot of unknown factors there.

ur icon… why?

Do some mental gymnastics later about this

Do you want me to change it?

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It’s cancer

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I like it

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Yay I’m Chikorita (Secretly: I hate this chikorita thing)


It looks like Memesky but if they became a bandit main



Save me from boredom

“Chikorita is the first generation Grass starter”

Isn’t that bulbasaur?

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this is sad