54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I nuke my pc pretty frequently so I don’t share that feeling





I never nuke my PC
If it wasn’t for the switch I did a year and half ago I would have content from 2008 hanging there

Finally I can like again.

oh my god

Karma exists

“No need for revenge. Just sit back and wait. Those who hurt you will eventually screw up themselves and if you’re lucky, God will let you watch.”


Over the past week or so, an investigation was conducted into certain oddities noted in the posting of champs participant Ex Bidama Pucodaguma, who the champs organizers were told was an alternate account for elijah/killthestory. It was discovered that this was only partially the case, and that the EBP account was in fact an unauthorized hydra account used by multiple members of the account’s home community (Flow). Due to the severity of this violation, we are forced to undertake the following actions:

  • elijah , Blinzer , and Alison are banned for 1 year for violating the rules of the Mafia Championships (using an unauthorized hydra account)
  • LisH and Kelp are both permanently banned for participating in the hydra AS WELL AS being alt accounts of banned user SystemSounds
  • Ex Bidama Pucodaguma is permanently banned as a hydra containing a permanently banned user. Additionally, the account is ineligible to be considered for futher advancement in this year’s Championship, though that should go without saying.
  • The community Flow is permanently banned from competing in the Mafia Championships

During the course of this investigation, we discovered that another account, LargeAdultSon42069 , was another unauthorized hydra, used during the January Oracle 13er. The users EvanManManMan and Exacerbated are both banned for 6 months for this violation. It should be noted that elijah participated in this hydra as well.

There is no evidence that integrity issues extended outside of the hydras, or that any of the people involved had external information they should not have had as a player of the game; the damage to the games in question is to the best of our knowledge contained within the slots, and is not considered sufficient to void the results of the games.

Secretly sharing an account when playing a game is not something we take lightly; it is a severe offense, and a form of cheating.

I Feel bad for Alison and Elijah though

Fun fact: these exact same people have done this exact same shit before on ToS

wait really?

how did they get caught using the same account is my question. Is it noticing people logging on at different IP’s or something

Also not a surprise the hydra got mislynched D1 without reading the game it was probably due to weird progression

In that case, literally all of them had been banned at the time they used it (K1ll was later unbanned), and was subbed out by the end of D1.

The ironic part is that they were almost entirely right and I was right to sheep them D1


also who’s system sound

Either a person with very bad opinions or the world’s greatest troll, known as Goblin on ToS.

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my only regret is how stodli didn’t get banned but the thread he made by which he wants to do trial by combat for his friends freedom is hillarous

Stodli once claimed that the aim of forum mafia is to survive til’ LyLo as village and unless you survive until then you have failed and should not be credited with the win. On ToS, naturally.

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is it right to call him an elitist

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Really I just don’t understand them.